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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Gift tags

Hello. Here are a few of the gift tags I have been making today. It is a beautiful sunny day here... oh so nice! Yesterday I planted some more tomato seedlings. We are going to have sooooo many tomatoes in a few months, I'll be making tomato pickles for days and days! I have also been raking up the leaf litter and sticks in the north plantation so am now a little pooped. I hope all is well in your life. Cheerio, C ♥


  1. Claire - thanks for the comment! These gift tags look awesome! I love the colours.
    I'm so sick of seeing red/green xmas colours everywhere, these colours look so fresh!

    Tomato pickles are my favourite!! My mum makes the best ones :)

  2. Love these! Are you going to put some sets in your shop? I think they would sell well!
